GUSD Promotes and Encourages Students to Identify As LGBTQ+
Dear Parents,
Did you know that Glendale Unified School District is now promoting and encouraging students to identify as some form of “queer” or “LGBTQ+”?
We know this sounds like a right-wing conspiracy theory. If we had come across a statement like that three years ago, we would have rolled our eyes and closed the browser window.
On June 1, 2021, Glendale Unified School District Facebook page posted a video about LGBT students, titled “Check out a special video created by our Student Wellness Services Department in honor of LGBT Pride Month! #PrideMonth,” and here is the link.
Below are three screenshots from the video that show how GUSD promotes and encourages a child to identify as LGBTQ+.
Please note that based on the definition provided here, almost anyone can be LGBTQ+. You can even be LGBTQ+ if you are just “questioning” – that’s what the “Q” stands for. So if your child is simply a normal 12 year old, and is questioning some things – as all 12 year olds do – and has never even had their first kiss, they are now part of the LGBTQ+ community.
The video says, “LGBTQ+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (or sometimes questioning), and others.” And then there is a plus symbol (+) for any other identity, such as “pansexual” and “Two-Spirit.” According to the Glendale Unified School District, there are limitless sexual orientations, and limitless genders. Your child’s individual personality could be its own gender.
This part of the video is extremely concerning, and spells out exactly what is so dangerous. “ is normal to question one’s sexual identity” and “The experience of questioning sexuality is different for everyone” etc.
Please look at this, and please let it sink in. Glendale Unified states that they want to “Encourage healthy identity exploration,” next to hands cupped in a heart-symbol, lit up with the LGBTQ+ flag colors. The schools are saying that it is their POLICY that students, teachers, and all Glendale Unified staff encourage (that is the exact word that GUSD uses in this presentation) – encourage gender identity exploration and sexual identity exploration. This encouragement starts in kindergarten.
This encouragement is not limited to gender identity, because remember that the previous slide in the video said, “ is normal to question one’s sexual identity” and “The experience of questioning sexuality is different for everyone” etc. They are talking about sexual identity, which is how your child expresses their sexuality (sexual thoughts, feelings, desires, sexual behaviors) with others.
Just picture it for a moment. A teacher or a staff member, talking to your child, looking them in the eyes, and encouraging your child to explore their sexual identity and explore how they express their sexual desires….
In the past, encouraging a child’s identity exploration meant things like trying new hobbies, reading new books, going to new places, making new friends. Now, they are encouraging your children to fundamentally question their own sense of who they are, without acknowledgement that these interventions lead to medical interventions later on.
Parents, we don’t know if you realize this seismic shift that has occurred since the 10-20 years since you have been in school. When we were in school, we wanted the schools to be accepting that some people might have two mommies, or two daddies. What you are seeing in this slideshow is a totally different ballgame.
What Glendale Unified is not informing parents and students is that once you question your gender identity and your sexual identity, you are fast-tracked on a pipeline for social transition (new pronouns, new name, new gender identity at school), medical transition (hormones, puberty blockers, etc) , and surgical transition (breast removal, removal of the uterus and ovaries, genital reconstruction, etc).
Public schools like Glendale are not just pushing for acceptance of gay and lesbian students. They are also pushing for acceptance that our children might want to surgically remove pieces of their genitals and sexual organs and take medications for the rest of their life that will sterilize them and possibly lead to an early death.
So what can you do? Contact GUSD let them know your thoughts:
Vivian Ekchian: Superintendent of Glendale Schools,
Kelly King, Assistant Superintendent of Schools,
Greg Krikorian:
Shant Sahakian:
Jennifer Freemon:
Armina Gharpetian:
Nayiri Nahabedian:
If you live in Glendale, Burbank or La Canada and have documents or testimonials from your child’s schools, please send us information at Your identity will always remain confidential.
The Gender Identity K-12 Team