Radicalizing and Sexualizing Children in Glendale
The Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA) clubs at GUSD have entered into an alarming partnership with an organization that parents should be aware of. The nonprofit organization is called Junior High Los Angeles, which is a seemingly innocuous name that could lead parents and students into thinking that this is a school in Glendale. It’s not.
Alicia Harris, a teacher and one of the GSA club advisors at Crescenta Valley High School, has been promoting an event titled, “Artivism: A One-Week Writing & Performance Workshop for LGBTQ+ Youth & Allies Currently in High School” on her Instagram account and several Facebook groups. The flyer states that those interested can contact her via her GUSD email address for more information. The series of workshops that the Glendale Unified School District’s GSA clubs are sponsoring will be held at Junior High Los Angeles the evenings of Tuesday, February 14th through Friday, February 17th. At the top of the flyer, it reads, “GUSD’s GSA clubs, GlendaleOUT, and Junior High of Glendale present…”:
Note that the official organization’s name is “Junior High of Los Angeles,” but this flyer states it is “Junior High of Glendale,” as though it is a middle school in Glendale. Can you imagine a student telling you, “Mom/Dad, I’m going to Junior High for a workshop series this week?”
Junior High Los Angeles hosts events with sexualized content that is inappropriate for high school students. Junior High’s Instagram account shows a current exhibition in their art gallery that contains explicit imagery such as the one below, of an individual posing nude on a bed except for what is possibly a thong:
They promote concerts for “all ages” by performers such as the one below, dressed in thong underwear in both pictures:
And the magazine published by Junior High includes content such as this:
This situation highlights a concern that we have brought up repeatedly in our Substack: child safeguarding practices have been completely abandoned by public schools in recent years. Can you imagine a public school promoting an organization like this five years ago? By contrast, now anything associated with “LGBTQ+” is rubber stamped as child appropriate and promoted by school officials. This is true at public libraries and school libraries, in sex education curriculums, in Special Education training and programs, in elementary school childcare programs, in female locker rooms, in general curriculum content, and more.
Junior High Los Angeles promotes and hosts artists who explicitly promotes nudity and sexualized content. Should GUSD GSA clubs be forming partnerships with them? Should our high school students, some as young as 14 years old, really be encouraged to attend their events by a public school district?
Some parents may want to determine if this organization is age appropriate for their high school students. If your child attends a GUSD school, consider asking them if they plan to attend this event. If your child is part of attends a Gender Sexuality Alliance club at GUSD, consider monitoring their school club sponsored activities more closely. And if the content of this article concerns you, consider letting the GUSD school board know:
Nayiri Nahabedian – nnahabedian@gusd.net
Jennifer Freemon – jfreemon@gusd.net
Shant Sahakian – ssahakian@gusd.net
Ingrid Gunnell – igunnell@gusd.net
Kathleen Cross – kcross@gusd.net
Thank you,
The Gender Identity K12 Team